Aerospace Bristol Volunteers Share Memorable Moments with Visitors

Aerospace Bristol boasts a dedicated team of volunteers, including former aerospace engineers, who bring a wealth of knowledge and passion to the museum. These volunteers play a key role in enhancing the visitor experience, offering insights into the world of aviation and aerospace engineering.

The museum recently asked some of its volunteers about the most common questions they receive and whether they have any favourite or memorable comments from visitors.

Aerospace Bristol volunteer David Manning shared that, most of the time, he gets asked two key questions: "Where is Concorde?" and "How fast does it fly?" Volunteer Arthur Taylor often answers general aircraft questions, including the frequently asked, "How many passengers did Concorde carry?"

Volunteer John noted that the questions he receives depend largely on the age of the visitor. He finds the most satisfaction in engaging with students, as they tend to be more interested and ask more technical questions. One of his most memorable moments came when a child asked his age. When John replied, "84," the child responded, "No, you can't be! You should be in a wheelchair!"

From answering technical queries about Concorde to sharing personal stories from their careers, the volunteers help make each visit to Aerospace Bristol a unique and enriching one.

Through their shared experiences, these volunteers contribute significantly to the museum’s mission to inspire and educate visitors, leaving a lasting impact on all who come through its doors.

Bristol Aero Collection