Bristol Aero Collection Trust (“the Trust”) (Company Number: 2689238 Charity Number: 1010632)
If you wish to apply to become a member of Bristol Aero Collection Trust, which is a charitable company limited by guarantee, please complete the application form below or download and return a hard copy.
Membership Application
I wish to apply to become a member of Bristol Aero Collection Trust for the current year:
Alternatively, you can download and complete the form and return to Company Secretary, Bristol Aero Collection Trust c/o Aerospace Bristol, Hayes Way, Patchway, Bristol, Bristol BS34 5BZ or email to
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Enter your name and email address below and we'll be pleased to keep you up-to-date with all of Aerospace Bristol's progress. Aerospace Bristol supporters receive regular emails containing exclusive news, as well as the latest information about events, fundraising appeals, special projects, Concorde and other exhibits.
Make a Donation
Whilst there is no fee for membership and no financial benefits, the Trust is a registered charity and is most grateful to receive donations and legacy pledges to support its on-going programmes and development work. If you would like to add a donation for the work of Bristol Aero Collection Trust, please make a donation below.
Legacy giving
Please consider leaving a Gift in your Will to support a part of the collection that is close to your heart. A gift of any size will be valuable in supporting the work of Bristol Aero Collection Trust in the future. Your help will go where the need is greatest and will ensure we continue to inspire the next generation and create new memories.