Early Years Foundation
and Key Stage 1
Aerospace Bristol provides children of primary school age with an excellent resource for learning about aviation and the 20th century, and our learning programmes and activities are specially designed to engage and inspire our younger visitors.
EYFS: Story Time in Space
Learn about Baby Bear’s journey into space by reading and exploring ‘Whatever Next’ by Jill Murphy. Help our very own Amelia Fox on her journey to the moon by packing her suitcase. You will learn about what she will need to take with her, as well as how life in space is different from life on Earth. Make a pipette rocket and launch Amelia Fox to the Moon.
- Speaking and Listening, Science and Art
Key Stage 1: Concorde Investigators
Your class will work in teams to explore Concorde Alpha Foxtrot. Working as investigators, they will discover amazing facts about the world’s first supersonic passenger plane. They will compare Concorde’s unique design to other passenger planes and find out why it travelled faster than the speed of sound. Finally, your class will become engineers and work in teams to create their own Concorde to challenge the airliners of today in a race across the Atlantic Ocean.
- Science, History (Local History) and DT
Key Stage 1: Journey Into Space
Journey with Amelia Fox on her adventure into space. Help her pack her suitcase and learn more about the things that astronauts need in space, as well as how life in space is different from life on Earth. Learn what makes a good rocket as you make your very own paper rocket and launch it on a mission.
- Science (Space)
Key Stage 1: Filton's Aero Heroes
A great introduction to the rich history of aerospace. Learn about some of the key achievements in the history of human flight and meet the people who made them. Discover why Concorde and its team are such a special part of Filton’s history, then make and fly your own paper Concorde.
- Science and History (Local History)
Key Stage 1: The Right Stuff
Learn about the properties of materials in this fun and practical investigation. Carry out experiments to explore which materials would be best for building aeroplanes. Explore our exhibition, discover how materials used to build aeroplanes have changed over time and look at the materials that are used today.
- Science (Materials)
Key Stage 1: Mission to Mars
Discover how and why we use robots to explore other planets. Unscramble code blocks to programme your own robotic rover to collect rock samples on Mars. Carry out an experiment to test the rocks’ properties and find out which materials would be most suitable to build with.
- Computing (Coding) and Science
Planning your school visit?
Read our School FAQ for everything you need to know for a smooth-running day, from the moment you arrive to completing a risk assessment.
Sponsors of the Aerospace Bristol learning programme
Key Stage 1: The Right Stuff
School Prices
Museum entry is £8 per child.
For school groups of more than 20 children, workshops are an additional £3 per child. For smaller groups a flat rate of £60 per workshop is applied.
1 free adult entry is available per 6 children booked.
Book now
Complete the School Booking Form to book your visit to Aerospace Bristol.